The Glorious Domain of the Arts

To paint a canvas, carve a block of stone or mold clay; to weave a basket, blow glass or make a piece of jewelry; to design a residence, an automobile, or a website; to build furniture, an architectural model, or develop a fashion trend; to sing an aria, play sitar, or conduct an orchestra; to perform a ballet, recite Shakespeare, or direct a movie; to write a poem, a memoir or develop a storyline. . .

FROM THE MOMENT we wake each day to the moment we fall asleep at night, consider the endless stream of impressions coming to our field of experience. Everything in our living and working environment has been created by ‘artists’ – inclusive of those involved in the visual fine arts and crafts, design disciplines, music, performing arts and writing arts.

The question arises: From where exactly does all this continual outpouring of creativity arise in the lives of architects, designers, craftsmen, musicians, painters, sculptors, dancers, writers, poets…? What is it that gives rise to the endless flow of ideas and concepts that become the Arts, which structure our man-made environments with form, function, colour, sound and inspiration, that go on to shape our cultures, ultimately weaving the fabric of our civilized world? Careful analysis reveals that the basic cause of all creative expression is consciousness, the fount of creative intelligence in the self-referral awareness of everyone. Pure consciousness is the fundamental field of life that drives all imagination and creative activity, motivated by the natural desire for the expansion of happiness and fulfillment. Yet, knowledge and understanding of this most basic field of life, consciousness, has been missing from the study and practice of the Arts.

The Academy of Arts for Enlightenment places emphasis on this fundamental aspect of life, on the level of knowledge and experience of consciousness, the source of all creative expression.

Maharishi Vedic Science and the Arts

Over the centuries, the ancient Vedic knowledge, the oldest record of human experiences, had become mythic, the efficacy of this grand body of knowledge largely rendered impractical for the modern world. In his lifetime, the esteemed Vedic sage, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, reformulated the Vedic knowledge into a complete, integrated science of total knowledge of Natural Law, known as Maharishi Vedic Science.

Total knowledge encompasses understanding and experience of the Knower, the Process of Knowing and the Known (or the Subject, the Subject/Object relationship, and the Object. These three values are available in their unified value (Samhita) in the field of total knowledge, which is the Atma or inner Self of every human being.

Maharishi Vedic Science presents a practical technology of consciousness, Transcendental Meditation, for systematic unfoldment of creative potential and development of the latent reserves in the brain. Over time, the meditating artist develops his/her awareness, leading to a balanced state of mental and physical health and well-being, in the integrated and self-fulfilled state of enlightenment.

Opening the Gate to All Possibilities

The Academy of Arts for Enlightenment presents to every artist, and to all those concerned with social betterment through Arts and culture, this simple formula to access the field of pure creative intelligence. The implications of Maharishi Vedic Science and Transcendental Meditation for the Arts are vast, for they open the gate to all possibilities, bliss consciousness and freedom to create, minus the limitations, struggles and stresses that have plagued the lives of Creatives in the past.

“The value of total knowledge in the Arts cannot be overestimated because the unfoldment of infinite creativity through Total Knowledge is the basis to fulfill all desires and realize all possibilities in daily life.”

– Maharishi

A powerful force of positivity and coherence injected into the Arts from the level of total Natural Law will strengthen cultural values, and inspire a broad rejuvenation of artistic and cultural expressions in tune with the evolutionary force of life. Such an exemplary rise in consciousness will be enshrined in the arts and architecture of societies, reflecting the light of Natural Law for peace, invincibility and heaven on earth to all future generations.

The Academy of Arts for Enlightenment joyfully and boldly presents this vision to all who wish to embrace it. All artists, craftsmen, designers, musicians, performers, writers and lovers of Arts, culture and world peace, who feel inspired to support the Academy’s mission of arts for enlightenment, are warmly invited to contact us.

The content contained throughout this site and all contributions from leaders in Arts and Consciousness to be added in the future, are elaborations to this brief introductory article.

Full acknowledgement and appreciation goes to Maharishi, the source of the knowledge and inspiration contained throughout this site.

– Dr Anthony Miles, FRSA
International Director,
Academy of Arts for Enlightenment

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